Monthly Archives: May 2018

Linden Hills learns about Joe Quigley’s aerials

The Linden Hills History Study Group generously sponsored local historian Tom Balcom’s and my program on the Quigley aerials on Wednesday, May 23. Aaron Isaacs, author of “Twin Cities by Trolley,” pointed out the streetcar lines in Quigley’s aerials. Ted Hathaway, HCL Special Collections senior librarian, updated us on the effort to acquire the aerials from the Minneapolis school district. Gini Tyson, current owner of the house Joe built in 1916, was there, as were several Quigley family members. A great time — and all of us eager to see the aerials secured for the public domain. Here is the story.

Minneapolis 2040, the 10-year comprehensive plan update, aims to transform the city

Minnesota’s municipalities are required to update their comprehensive plans every ten years. Minneapolis officials decided this time to pursue an ambitious overhaul that would affect every resident and every corner of the city. What came to the fore as people dug further into the details was the intention to upzone the entire city, unprecedented anywhere in the U.S., and to massively increase density. Hill and Lake residents found themselves pilloried as reactionary defenders of privilege, and the battle was on. Here is the story.

The SWLRT experience: urban or bucolic?

It seems so obvious: mass transit should run where masses of people live and work, not in the wooded, park-like Kenilworth Corridor where wildlife outnumbers people. What’s more, the costliest infrastructure project in Minnesota history spurns the city’s development and density goals for the two Kenilworth Corridor stations. Here is the story.